Search For aggressive In Quotes 48

Comedy can be especially in a writer's room really aggressive kind of a very male-dominated room and it would be hard for women. It's not a nurturing place. It's not like a lot of women are going to say I can't wait to live that lifestyle and be in a writer's room until 2 or 3 a.m.

No one is more arrogant toward women more aggressive or scornful than the man who is anxious about his virility.

For a girl the wedding is when you're married. For a guy it's when you get engaged. It takes a real aggressive human being to back out between the ring and the wedding.

Another term for preventive war is aggressive war - starting wars because someday somebody might do something to us. That is not part of the American tradition.

Methamphetamine is a hideous drug. Meth makes a person become paranoid violent and aggressive - making them a serious threat to society and law enforcement. And maybe more importantly meth users are a threat to their own children and families.

Well I did Marlene 15 years ago and that's in the style. It's somehow similar and not similar because Marlene was much more aggressive funny and sad.

The most aggressive artists often hide their romantic side.

Latin men are the most passionate men in the world - they may not be the most aggressive but they are very passionate very romantic.

For behind the scenes halfway around the world in Mexico were two decades of aggressive research on wheat that not only enabled Mexico to become self-sufficient with respect to wheat production but also paved the way to rapid increase in its production in other countries.

You have this mounting aggressive ignorance with the rabbit's foot of their particular religion. You don't really have any kind of spiritual law just a kind of a rabid mental illness. The songs are a little slice of life.