Search For advertising In Quotes 60

Young people are threatened... by the evil use of advertising techniques that stimulate the natural inclination to avoid hard work by promising the immediate satisfaction of every desire.

The most powerful element in advertising is the truth.

The truth is that our way of celebrating the Christmas season does spring from myriad cultures and sources from St. Nicholas to Coca-Cola advertising campaigns.

There's no one I trust in show business more than Sabrina Wind. She's my eyes and ears when I can't be there. She weighs in on everything from scripts to sets to advertising.

If its not done ethically advertising won't be trusted. If consumers don't trust it advertising is pointless.

In fact I argue that the future of advertising whatever the technology will be to associate each brand with one word. This is one word equity. It's the modern equivalent of having the best site on the high street except the location is in the mind.

But I think technology advertising will have to stop addressing how products are made and concentrate more on what a product will do for the consumer.

Advertising reflects the mores of society but it does not influence them.

I warn you against believing that advertising is a science.

The dark comedies tend to be in a non-releasable area. There can be romantic comedies. There can be dramas. But there's no 'dark comedy' inbox for the advertising.