Search For administer In Quotes 21

I know children regress after vaccination because it happened to my own son. Why aren't there any tests out there on the safety of how vaccines are administered in the real world six at a time? Why have only two of the 36 shots our kids receive been looked at for their relationship to autism?

He who receives money in trust to administer for the benefit of its owner and uses it either for his own interest or against the wishes of its rightful owner is a thief.

In a free society the state does not administer the affairs of men. It administers justice among men who conduct their own affairs.

Libertarians argue that no normal adult has the right to impose choices on other normal adults except in abnormal circumstances such as when one person finds another unconscious and administers medical assistance or calls an ambulance.

Whether it's possible or not being a doctor you take an oath. To care for your patient not to kill them. You take an oath to do things that are proper in the medical world. Not to administer something outside of a hospital setting that's not even your area.

The law has no compassion. And justice is administered without compassion.

No man is the wiser for his learning it may administer matter to work in or objects to work upon but wit and wisdom are born with a man.

I cannot lead you into battle. I do not give you laws or administer justice but I can do something else - I can give my heart and my devotion to these old islands and to all the peoples of our brotherhood of nations.

Giving governors more leeway in administering health care could represent a small positive development in the ongoing saga of Obamacare. Unfortunately instead of choosing flexibility President Obama and his left-leaning advisers always default to rigid 'Washington knows best' answers.

A pure democracy is a society consisting of a small number of citizens who assemble and administer the government in person.