Search For absent In Quotes 21

The Republicans need to work on registration and getting out their vote and their early voters and absentees. Grassroots stuff.

In the months leading up to World War II there was a tendency among many Americans to talk absently about the trouble in Europe. Nothing that happened an ocean away seemed very threatening.

If there's no relationship with a father who's absent nobody talks about it.

Power and violence are opposites where the one rules absolutely the other is absent. Violence appears where power is in jeopardy but left to its own course it ends in power's disappearance.

Although awareness of cancer's prevalence in the United States improves and medical advances in the field abound pancreatic cancer has largely been absent from the list of major success stories.

Knowledge is recognition of something absent it is a salutation not an embrace.

Knowledge is not eating and we cannot expect to devour and possess what we mean. Knowledge is recognition of something absent it is a salutation not an embrace.

I read the Odyssey because it was the story of a man who returned home after being absent for more than twenty years and was recognized only by his dog.

Happiness is rarely absent it is we that know not of its presence.

The Bluebird of Happiness long absent from his life Ned is visited by the Chicken of Depression.