Search For 1970s In Quotes 24

In spite of advances in technology and changes in the economy state government still operates on an obsolete 1970s model. We have a typewriter government in an Internet age.

People always underestimate the impact of technology. To give you an example: In the 1970s the frontier for offshore development was 200 meters today it is 4 000 meters.

Once I started working with generative music in the 1970s I was flirting with ideas of making a kind of endless music - not like a record that you'd put on which would play for a while and finish.

I grew up on the crime stuff. Spillane Chandler Jim Thompson and noir movies like Fuller Orson Welles Fritz Lang. When I first showed up in New York to write comics back in the late 1970s I came with a bunch of crime stories but everybody just wanted men in tights.

I like my name. My mom named me after a song by the 1970s group Bread. So it's meaningful and I like the song. It's a love song - kind of - but it's kind of depressing and dark.

Well you know I was raised by a 1970s feminist. My mom had a consciousness-raising group. I used to sit at the top of the stairs and listen to them.

Now a cholera epidemic was sweeping through Southeast Asia and south Asia in the early 1970s so I started medical school and I joined a laboratory to work on this.

In those days the late 1970s one of the leading politicians was a soon-to-be uncle by marriage of Arnold Schwarzenegger named Ted Kennedy.

I look back to when I got divorced in the late 1970s. When that happened I was so broken up. After that I decided to seek God for my life and my next marriage.

It is difficult if not impossible to argue that laws written in the 1970s are adequate for today's intelligence challenges.