Search For govern In Quotes 1413

Today if you invent a better mousetrap the government comes along with a better mouse.

The Democrats are the party that says government will make you smarter taller richer and remove the crabgrass on your lawn. The Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then they get elected and prove it.

The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well when there aren't enough criminals one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws.

The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out... without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest insane intolerable.

Over grown military establishments are under any form of government inauspicious to liberty and are to be regarded as particularly hostile to republican liberty.

Protecting the rights of even the least individual among us is basically the only excuse the government has for even existing.

One way to make sure crime doesn't pay would be to let the government run it.

Government always finds a need for whatever money it gets.

It was once said that the moral test of government is how that government treats those who are in the dawn of life the children those who are in the twilight of life the elderly and those who are in the shadows of life the sick the needy and the handicapped.

The second office in the government is honorable and easy the first is but a splendid misery.

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Music is at once the product of feeling and knowledge for it requires from its disciples composers and performers alike not only talent and enthusiasm but also that knowledge and perception which are the result of protracted study and reflection.