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When your time comes to die be not like those whose hearts are filled with fear of death so that when their time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way. Sing your death song and die like a hero going home.

The only difference between death and taxes is that death doesn't get worse every time Congress meets.

Because of indifference one dies before one actually dies.

I had seen birth and death but had thought they were different.

Death is no more than passing from one room into another. But there's a difference for me you know. Because in that other room I shall be able to see.

Dating is different when you get older. You're not as trusting or as eager to get back out there and expose yourself to someone.

The rich are different. Their wants are very high maintenance. They'll pick eye color and hair color all the way down to what she does for a living what school she went to. Their list can be extremely long. But at the end of the day dating is dating because they're human beings.

I love being a single mom. But it's definitely different when you're dating.

I have a lot of boyfriends I want you to write that. Every country I visit I have a different boyfriend. And I kiss them all.

Falling in love and having a relationship are two different things.