Search For ratio In Quotes 1317

You learn from a conglomeration of the incredible past - whatever experience gotten in any way whatsoever.

Skill is the unified force of experience intellect and passion in their operation.

On the one hand we publicly pronounce the equality of all peoples on the other hand in our immigration laws we embrace in practice these very theories we abhor and verbally condemn.

It will appear evident upon attentive consideration that equality of intellectual and physical advantages is the only sure foundation of liberty and that such equality may best and perhaps only be obtained by a union of interests and cooperation in labor.

We will have bigger bureaucracies bigger labor unions and bigger state-run corporations. It will be harder to be an entrepreneur because of punitive taxes and regulations. The rewards of success will be expropriated for the sake of attaining greater income equality.

I believe that as women we must commit ourselves to sustaining the progress made by our foremothers who fought so hard for women's equality and liberation.

The equality that we are all entitled to as citizens of this democracy can't be avoided by some religious dogma of a President who's is supposed to believe in the notion of separation of church and state. And he frankly doesn't.

The purpose that brought the fourteenth amendment into being was equality before the law and equality not separation was written into the law.

Women will only have true equality when men share with them the responsibility of bringing up the next generation.

Coming generations will learn equality from poverty and love from woes.

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When you lie down with a short prayer commit yourself into the hands of your Creator and when you have done so trust Him with yourself as you must do when you are dying.