Search For elation In Quotes 1287

The employer class is less indispensable in the modern organization of industries because the laboring men themselves possess sufficient intelligence to organize into co-operative relation and enjoy the entire benefits of their own labor.

The rare person is still interested in new advances when they are adults. There is possibly a correlation with intelligence. In any case you have to be fairly bright to keep learning and changing attitudes as you get older.

But once you are in that field emotional intelligence emerges as a much stronger predictor of who will be most successful because it is how we handle ourselves in our relationships that determines how well we do once we are in a given job.

So I wanted to sing inspirational music and that's exactly how I approached it - only the words have been changed to declare my relationship with God.

The product of the scientific imagination is a new vision of relations - like that of artistic imagination.

Kindness and intelligence don't always deliver us from the pitfalls and traps: there are always failures of love of will of imagination. There is no way to take the danger out of human relationships.

You will certainly not doubt the necessity of studying astronomy and physics if you are desirous of comprehending the relation between the world and Providence as it is in reality and not according to imagination.

I liked the premise of this material. I love the marriage relationship. They kind of keep each other honest and they enjoy each other's sense of humor. Kind of a sexy but boring relationship.

If a dog doesn't put you first where are you both? In what relation? A dog needs God. It lives by your glances your wishes. It even shares your humor. This happens about the fifth year. If it doesn't happen you are only keeping an animal.

Tony and I had a good on and off screen relationship we are two very different people but we did share a sense of humor we now live in different parts of the world but when we find ourselves in the same place it is more or less as if there had been no years in between.