Search For freed In Quotes 1087

As a result of America's efforts to realize the ideals of equality and freedom blacks in America are now the freest and richest black people anywhere on the face of the earth including all of the nations that are ruled by blacks.

Propelled by freedom of faith gender equality and economic justice for all India will become a modern nation. Minor blemishes cannot cloak the fact that India is becoming such a modern nation: no faith is in danger in our country and the continuing commitment to gender equality is one of the great narratives of our times.

In the kingdom of consumption the citizen is king. A democratic monarchy: equality before consumption fraternity in consumption and freedom through consumption.

Where terrorists offer injustice disorder and destruction the United States and its allies stand for freedom fairness equality hope and opportunity.

We are all different. Yet we are all God's children. We are all united behind this country and the common cause of freedom justice fairness and equality. That is what unites us.

It is crucial that members of Congress cast votes that are supportive of the values upon which our nation was founded: equality freedom and opportunity for all people.

To realize that new world we must prefer the values of freedom and equality above all other values - above personal wealth technical power and nationalism.

Prosperity or egalitarianism - you have to choose. I favor freedom - you never achieve real equality anyway: you simply sacrifice prosperity for an illusion.

Rosa Parks was the queen mother of a movement whose single act of heroism sparked the movement for freedom justice and equality. Her greatest contribution is that she told us a regular person can make a difference.

It is a strange fact that freedom and equality the two basic ideas of democracy are to some extent contradictory. Logically considered freedom and equality are mutually exclusive just as society and the individual are mutually exclusive.

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Realizing that the majority of kids that get molested feel that it is their fault along with shame those kids have no idea what to say or do to try to report anything and add that with the lack of education it is a complete recipe for disaster that leads to non-reporting of molestation.