Happiness is having a large loving caring close-knit family in another city.
To enjoy good health to bring true happiness to one's family to bring peace to all one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.
My faith helps me understand that circumstances don't dictate my happiness my inner peace.
The smallest seed of faith is better than the largest fruit of happiness.
This is true enough but success is the next best thing to happiness and if you can't be happy as a success it's very unlikely that you would find a deeper truer happiness in failure.
Ultimately all human activities have as their goal the realization of happiness. Why then have we ended up producing the opposite result? Could the underlying cause be our failure to correctly understand the true nature of happiness?
While it is important for people to see your promise you must also remember that hope is the keeper of both happiness and disappointment the father of both progress and failure.
Joy rather than happiness is the goal of life for joy is the emotion which accompanies our fulfilling our natures as human beings. It is based on the experience of one's identity as a being of worth and dignity.
Such happiness as life is capable of comes from the full participation of all our powers in the endeavor to wrest from each changing situations of experience its own full and unique meaning.
Happiness isn't something you experience it's something you remember.