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Pell Grants are and have been critically important tools in making higher education a possibility for lower- and middle-income students.

People who don't read seem to me mysterious. I don't know how they think or learn about other people. Novels are a very important part of our education.

I learned a lot from that first record and I learned a lot from my experiences touring but really the biggest education I got over the past two years was learning the importance of arrangements.

As a former high school teacher I know that investing in education is one of the most important things we can do not only for our children but for the benefit of our whole community.

Few things are more important to each individual's future success or to our nation's prosperity than education.

The College Access and Opportunity Act addresses the important need to make higher education more affordable and easier to access for low and middle-income students.

Education technology is very important because we have a massive challenge in public schools.

I do think that a general liberal arts education is very important particularly in an uncertain changing world.

Good education means learning to read write and most importantly learn how to learn so that you can be whatever you want to be when you grow up.

I think the most important issue for all of us is our economy and jobs and creating opportunities for young people to be able to get the education that you need to be able to afford to go to college.