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The liberal ideal is that everyone should have fair access and fair opportunity. This is not equality of result. It's equality of opportunity. There's a fundamental difference.

We are all different. Yet we are all God's children. We are all united behind this country and the common cause of freedom justice fairness and equality. That is what unites us.

Rosa Parks was the queen mother of a movement whose single act of heroism sparked the movement for freedom justice and equality. Her greatest contribution is that she told us a regular person can make a difference.

Indians today are governed by two different ideologies. Their political ideal set in the preamble of the Constitution affirms a life of liberty equality and fraternity. Their social ideal embodied in their religion denies them.

Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude.

People are pretty much alike. It's only that our differences are more susceptible to definition than our similarities.

Equality is not in regarding different things similarly equality is in regarding different things differently.

In order to get beyond racism we must first take account of race. There is no other way. And in order to treat some persons equally we must treat them differently.

Equality rightly understood as our founding fathers understood it leads to liberty and to the emancipation of creative differences wrongly understood as it has been so tragically in our time it leads first to conformity and then to despotism.

A variety of factors contribute to the price of gasoline in the United States. These factors include worldwide supply demand and competition for crude oil taxes regional differences in access to gasoline supplies and environmental regulations.