Search For elation In Quotes 1287

Time is the most valuable thing on earth: time to think time to act time to extend our fraternal relations time to become better men time to become better women time to become better and more independent citizens.

No gentleman ever discusses any relationship with a lady.

A lot of times women don't get the male perspective in regards to a relationship what men go through when they're not really dealing well.

There have been some medical schools in which somewhere along the assembly line a faculty member has informed the students not so much by what he said but by what he did that there is an intimate relation between curing and caring.

A physician's physiology has much the same relation to his power of healing as a cleric's divinity has to his power of influencing conduct.

I'm receiving 300 to 500 letters every week from people telling me that God used my stories to save their marriage or to introduce them to Christ or to heal a relationship that had been broken.

I was glad to hear of that determination as I detest the practice of cousins marrying or any marriage between persons in which there can be traced the most distant relationship. I go for the improvement instead of the deterioration of our race.

It's very different than it use to be. I think everybody has a lot more experience in how to be in a relationship - whether it's a marriage or a significant other or a business or a friend.

I love being in a relationship but marriage isn't for me.

My parents had a wonderful marriage but it was a very dependent relationship. My mother was entirely dependent on my father because that's how it was in those days.