Search For weapon In Quotes 123

A world without nuclear weapons would be less stable and more dangerous for all of us.

I believe there is a relationship between having an interest in the arts and the behaviour of society as a whole. Some politicians find it difficult that the arts is a weapon of happiness... Politics is often about deprivation rather than the opening up of ideas and nourishing creative endeavour.

The arts are weapons of understanding and weapons of happiness.

The atom bomb was no 'great decision.' It was merely another powerful weapon in the arsenal of righteousness.

I call upon the scientific community in our country those who gave us nuclear weapons to turn their great talents now to the cause of mankind and world peace: to give us the means of rendering these nuclear weapons impotent and obsolete.

There is a Western world. There is America. There is Great Britain and Germany and France and Russia and China and other nations. I doubt that there is one country amongst those I mentioned which has a desire to see Iran with its fundamentalist Islamic extremist government possessing nuclear weapons.

If the United States is hit with a weapon of mass destruction that inflicts large casualties the Constitution will likely be discarded in favor of a military form of government.

If Bush as I believe has reliable information on the fact that Saddam Hussein is making weapons of mass destruction I cannot not support the policies of his government.

Language is the armory of the human mind and at once contains the trophies of its past and the weapons of its future conquests.

Never let the future disturb you. You will meet it if you have to with the same weapons of reason which today arm you against the present.

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Class action lawsuits are an important part of our legal system. All citizens should have the right to band together and settle grievances with bigger companies but that system is broken and it needs fixing.