Search For sports In Quotes 599

I'm a huge huge sports fan and Marquette basketball is my No. 1 thing.

A lot of the high-level sports are really in your mind.

I'd just like to be good at sports. I'm extremely competitive with absolutely nothing to back it up.

I love sports as all Bostonians seem to. I love books and movies as all writers seem to.

I started playing baseball and soccer. Those were my sports on the streets and in school when I was growing up. I didn't even start playing basketball until I was 14.

I enjoyed being involved in team sports and making close friendships.

In sports teams win and individuals don't.

You know we - we start with a mentality that we'll take a sports project if its good. And we're certainly not on the lookout for them because to be honest we don't have to. They walk in the door.

If I had a personal wish for the new ideas in this new book it would be that every parent every counselor every teacher every professor every sports coach that deals with young people would understand the three circle concept.

When you're a kid growing up and you think you're gay you know that you're different you're often teased and it can really destroy your self-esteem. But sports can be great for building self-esteem.