Search For several In Quotes 101

I recruited my dad to be my bass player and fired him on several occasions. He stayed on as a bus driver.

My dad served in the Air Force as ground crew for several years and doesn't really talk about it. I know that it's there. I think my main thing about direct or indirect experiences as near to home as it were is the idea of self-sacrifice really.

My dad worked several jobs to pay for my expense in skating.

Dinosaurs was a cool idea but we just couldn't find a way to make it really fun. We've got a bunch of great game ideas that we want to bring to life over the next several years.

When I left Europe in 1987 I did so with the thought that my relevance as a composition teacher would benefit from a certain cool distance to certain tendencies I had been observing for several years with increasing disquiet.

China has legally purchased high performance computers advanced machine tools and semiconductor-manufacturing equipment from several American companies.

When fish experience something that would cause other animals physical pain they behave in ways suggestive of pain and the change in behaviour may last several hours.

I've got two old Volvos two old Subarus and an old Ford Ranger. If you've got an old car you've gotta have at least several old cars 'cause one's always gonna be in the garage.

I have several writer friends but I don't involve them in my work process. I'm more likely to talk about the business of publishing with them.

There's no business like show business but there are several businesses like accounting.