Search For sequence In Quotes 127

Freedom from care and anxiety of mind is a blessing which I apprehend such people enjoy in higher perfection than most others and is of the utmost consequence.

As a consequence of the victories we have registered during our first ten years of freedom we have laid a firm foundation for the new advances we must and will make during the next decade.

Food is available but it cannot be shipped into an area so the people in that area suffer the consequences.

Ever since Eve started it all by offering Adam the apple woman's punishment has been to supply a man with food then suffer the consequences when it disagrees with him.

Another parent's different approach raises the possibility that you've made a mistake with your child. We simply can't tolerate that because we fear that any mistake no matter how minor could have devastating consequences. So we proclaim the superiority of our own choices. We've lost sight of the fact that people have preferences.

Over the past few years the road to confrontation has shown its consequences: loss of innocent lives destruction and fear. Most costly however was the loss of hope. The most precious gift that you can present to your peoples over the coming weeks is renewed hope born out of tangible progress on the ground.

Resistance is feasible even for those who are not heroes by nature and it is an obligation I believe for those who fear the consequences and detest the reality of the attempt to impose American hegemony.

I think 'Dilbert' will remain popular as long as employees are frustrated and they fear the consequences of complaining too loudly. 'Dilbert' is the designated voice of discontent for the workplace. I never planned it that way. It just happened.

Repentance is not so much remorse for what we have done as the fear of the consequences.

If you let your fear of consequence prevent you from following your deepest instinct your life will be safe expedient and thin.