Search For schools In Quotes 137

Teachers say their schools of education did not adequately prepare them for the classroom. They would have welcomed more mentoring and feedback in their early years.

Progress for black Americans depends on good schools because education is the last great equalizer.

I'm on Governor Gray Davis' California Alliance Towards Education to bring the arts back to high schools.

I'm a huge fan of music in schools and music education because that's how I grew up.

You look at public education system charter schools infrastructure in so many ways New Orleans has come back stronger.

Universal suffrage should rest upon universal education. To this end liberal and permanent provision should be made for the support of free schools by the State governments and if need be supplemented by legitimate aid from national authority.

Education technology is very important because we have a massive challenge in public schools.

So what it boils down to in my humble opinion is that we need to support the arts in schools and at every other level in the education of children.

The present structure of rewards in high schools produces a response on the part of an adolescent social system which effectively impedes the process of education.

What we're doing now is we're saying that individual schools can spend the money on their own priorities so that head teachers can decide what's truly important because the big shift in approach on education that we're taking - which is different from what happened before - is that we trust teachers and we trust heads.