Search For roman In Quotes 490

The thing you can't let go of is gravity. The reality of gravity in writing. If someone says something really mean in a sitcom and the next wave isn't a reaction to the reality of that you start losing relatability. In a lot of romantic comedies they throw out the rules of life.

If we perform the romantic repertoire we need more musicians.

Classical Romantic and Baroque music that's what I really like.

You won't find me in a romantic comedy. Those movies don't speak to me. People don't come to talk to me about those scripts because they probably think I'm this dark twisted miserable person.

I'm a very romantic person.

The big stars I felt a kinship with were never the romantic leads. It wasn't Steve McQueen or Robert Redford - it was people like Walter Matthau and Anthony Quinn. My big hero was Tommy Cooper.

You're always close and you never get that big romantic lead.

We are in desperate need of a well-done romantic lesbian comedy.

As far as the leading man/romantic lead I'll tell you what I really enjoyed my experience more than I thought or imagined I would on 'Catch and Release.' God bless them if they want to give me another shot at that. I would love to have that as something I can go to on occasion.

Usually in romantic comedies you end up sacrificing a great deal of the complexity - you know just two attractive people and a good soundtrack.

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A globalized world is by now a familiar fact of life. Building walls or moats may sound appealing but the future belongs to those who tend to their people and then boldly engage the rest of the world near and far.