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I've been working on my relationship with my parents and my sister over the years.

My parents had this relationship that was really terrifying. I mean the level of hatred that they had and the level of physical abuse - my mother would beat up my father basically - and I think I was drawn to images on television that were bright and reflective.

I'd never really thought about it before but now you ask I can see that how my parents handled money definitely affected my relationship with it.

I have a great relationship with my parents. I have not been on lithium.

Look you've got a generation of people coming along who are going to form their own new relationship with the idea of supporting the causes that they care about or changing the world. And these people are not going to do it the way our parents do it.

I've only recently realized that I have a radically different relationship with my parents than a lot of people.

When you're in a relationship you want it to work. My parents did I did. But we are not taught how to make it work.

My parents are artists in their world in the world of modern artists you are supposed to just go into your studio and tune everything out and your entire relationship with your work is supposed to be a super private one. That was the way to do it and you weren't deeply truly artistic if that wasn't the way you were engaging the press.

My brother and I had a really privileged relationship with my parents... They treated us like adults.

As you get older you have more respect and empathy for your parents. Now I have a great relationship with both of them.