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No matter how famous and established they were or however blessed they were with great songs or long careers if they lived alone they lived alone. That's not the way I wanted to live prior to the tour or after.

I feel my family's needs are a priority. I'm not comfortable with the idea of serving the many and ignoring my family.

In my family in the days prior to television we liked to while away the evenings by making ourselves miserable solely based on our ability to speak the language viciously.

Sometimes you can't prioritise family and you feel guilty.

My priorities are always going to be my husband and my family now. That's a huge huge thing.

Soon we saw that money going to women brought much more benefit to the family than money going to the men. So we changed our policy and gave a high priority to women. As a result now 96% of our four million borrowers in Grameen Bank are women.

I had to learn my faith and look after my family and I had to make priorities. But now I've done it all and there's a little space for me to fill in the universe of music again.

Quality is a direct experience independent of and prior to intellectual abstractions.

That's not to say that women's priorities are better than men's. Rather when women are empowered when they can speak from the experience of their own lives they often address different previously neglected issues. And families and whole communities benefit.

I've always been a strong supporter of environmental protection and initiatives in that area. But I'm willing to set priorities. If we have to make reductions in one place we'll have to-in order to increase another place I'm willing to do that.