Search For players In Quotes 93

The owners don't win by having a lockout. Shutting down your business is not good for anybody and it's certainly not good for the players it's certainly not good for the fans. And that's most important to us.

The great leaders are like the best conductors - they reach beyond the notes to reach the magic in the players.

To all the positions I just bring the determination to win. Me being an unselfish player I think that can carry on to my teammates. When you have one of the best players on the court being unselfish I think that transfers to the other players.

In chess one cannot control everything. Sometimes a game takes an unexpected turn in which beauty begins to emerge. Both players are always instrumental in this.

I'm going to try to enjoy the All-Star break hope my players reflect on what happened the first half of the season come back with a different attitude try to find our solution on how to win it.

The money is in a different league these days of course but I have special memories of the 60s and 70s which players today don't have. There wasn't the same celebrity attitude and media exposure. We had a bit more freedom.

Players should know that if you can't make the contribution of the winning shot that your attitude every day when you come to practice or the positive contribution you make through cheering and keeping up team morale is just as important in the overall picture.

The Madden NFL franchise holds a special place in popular culture and the cover is a coveted position for players all over the league. I'm honored to be the first cover athlete chosen by Madden NFL fans and it's a great way to cap off an amazing year for the Saints and the city of New Orleans.

Growing up I looked up to major league baseball players and now these young women have amazing incredible women all across the board from swimming to gymnastics to softball to basketball.

There's a sense of aliveness that comes from connection shared experience. And you see it in every place. You see it when ball players jump up and down gather at home plate hugging and it's not just because they're winning it's that shared moment that feeling of - we enter the world alone we leave alone.

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I made a very conscious effort to finish 'The Cypress House' before 'So Cold the River' launched because I thought that would help build a buffer between my writing and any impact that came from either the success or the failure of that first book.