Search For places In Quotes 184

I'm a light sleeper. I've never been one of those people who can put their head down and suddenly everything disappears. Nighttime is the time I get most scared anxious or worried. In those darker moments before waking or sleeping is when I feel most I don't know I can turn on myself and my imagination can take me dark places.

My books are shelved in different places depending on the bookstore. Sometimes they can be found in the Mystery section sometimes in the Humor department and occasionally even in the Literature aisle which is somewhat astounding.

Being a star has made it possible for me to get insulted in places where the average Negro could never hope to go and get insulted.

My hope is that we continue to nurture the places that we love but that we also look outside our immediate worlds.

But then there are magical beautiful things in the world. There's incredible acts of kindness and bravery and in the most unlikely places and it gives you hope.

New York City is home to so many people from so many places and the uniqueness of it is that you never feel a foreigner. English is almost hardly ever heard in the subway. In fact it's weird.

I usually write away from home in coffee shops on trains on planes in friends' houses. I like places where there's stuff going on that you can lift your eyes see something interesting overhear a conversation.

From secrecy and deception in high places come home America. From military spending so wasteful that it weakens our nation come home America.

Snowboarding's tough because you've got to go to the mountains. For me I love the skateboard season because I get to hangout at home and still be skating. I don't have to travel to Norway or Japan or these crazy places to be snowboarding.

My parents were the same in the pulpit as they were at home. I think that's where a lot of preachers' kids get off base sometimes. Because they don't see the same things at both places.

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Well the wedding in the words of the Archbishop of Canterbury was a fairy tale and there was a huge public impress investment of goodwill affection and indeed money in this Institution. It was a huge success at the time.