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When I was young I did actually model and was much photographed by famous photographers. But I was always a bookworm.

I like photographing the people I love the people I admire the famous and especially the infamous. My last infamous subject was the extreme right wing French politician Jean-Marie Le Pen.

There's such big pressure on people who are incredibly famous on those who have people sitting outside their front door and taking photos every time they move.

These days with 'American Idol' and all the other reality shows young people become famous overnight and that can be very difficult to handle the way photographers follow you around and study your every move.

When you see a fantastic colour or cut in a magazine perched up on some famous so-and-so's head it's tempting to ask your stylist for the same but do not be fooled. The hair in those fancy photos can be very high maintenance.

I became very famous as a teenager and my name and photo were splashed in all the media. They made me larger than life so I wanted to live larger than life and the only way to do that was to be intoxicated.

No journalist has ever been in my house and no photographs have ever been taken of where I live. I don't parade my family out for display which is the way it will stay.

I do not see my family life in any way shape or form as an opportunity for a photo.

A family's photograph album is generally about the extended family and often is all that remains of it.

I always put clothes and family photos under the mattress in case the house burns down.

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My dad has always been very proud of me but I think I have exceeded his expectations. When I told him I wanted to be an actor and moved to New York City I think he assumed I would be playing the guitar on the subway and collecting spare change in my guitar case. The fact that I'm not doing that means that I'm a huge success.