Search For personality In Quotes 120

I think it's really important to design things with a kind of personality.

Though I am a Catholic a professing one I have serious doubts about the survival of the human personality after death.

The study of consciousness that can extend beyond the body is extremely important for the issue of survival since it is this part of human personality that would be likely to survive death.

Coming to terms with the fear of death is conducive to healing positive personality transformation and consciousness evolution.

My girlfriend bought me a down jacket she said it fit my personality.

I want my kids to see me as Dad for God's sake not a television personality.

One of the things that makes Hamlet unique among Shakespeare's characters is his courage to face up to the darker elements of his personality.

I just really like fun cool interesting quirky girls. And sometimes you find that in 6'2 model bodies and sometimes they're short and brunette. All shapes and sizes - it's really about the personality. That sounds cliche but it's so freaking true!

The sexiest thing about style is if you kind of just take your personality and put it in what you wear. That's what I think is cool.

Sometimes acting is really cool because it forces you to exercise certain muscles in your personality that you wouldn't normally be called upon in life.