Search For partner In Quotes 143

Marriage is not a noun it's a verb. It isn't something you get. It's something you do. It's the way you love your partner every day.

All men and women have an equal need for love. When these needs are not fulfilled it is easy to have our feelings hurt for which we blame our partner.

However saying that I totally support the concept of civil partnerships in the eyes of the law and think it a disgrace that same sex couples have had to wait so long for legal rights protection and recognition.

We owe the Aboriginal peoples a debt that is four centuries old. It is their turn to become full partners in developing an even greater Canada. And the reconciliation required may be less a matter of legal texts than of attitudes of the heart.

It's interesting when you've been a partner with someone for so long. So now to sing solo and starting all over again I am learning that I am more bodacious than I thought. I don't know where it's coming from but I am glad.

I used to be so aggressive but after a while I started learning. It's not that I know how to adapt but I know all styles of fighting so I can change my style of fighting to whatever it needs to be. That just comes from years of training and a lot of sparring partners.

IBM has taken a leadership role in this area and is prepared to be a technology partner with companies around the world to take advantage of these new developments.

Germany must be a country which generates political ideas and leadership which is capable of compromise which is sovereign and yet knows that it needs its partners on both sides of the Atlantic.

In working with UNICEF our corporate partners have demonstrated time and again that their financial resources leadership and expertise can bring about real and lasting benefits for the world's children.

When I was the director of Central Intelligence in the early '90s I tried to get the Air Force to partner with us in building drones. And they didn't want to because they had no pilots.