Search For obvious In Quotes 186

Obviously I've been on sets before but nothing as big as 'Twilight.' You forget sometimes that you're on set of one of the biggest movies ever- so when you just sit back and think about it its just so incredible. It's such a great learning experience.

I've done some TV and I've done a lot of theater obviously and the last character I played on Broadway was a very fast-talking broad. I'm used to learning material and words.

I think national issues play into gubernatorial races less than obviously in Senate and Congressional races. Much less. They tend to be more decided by personality leadership qualities and by state or local issues. They still have some effect no question about it but not as much as Senate and Congressional races.

One could not have isolated this retrovirus without knowledge of other retroviruses that's obvious. But I believe we have answered the criteria of isolation.

That the state of knowledge in any country will exert a directive influence on the general system of instruction adopted in it is a principle too obvious to require investigation.

All science requires mathematics. The knowledge of mathematical things is almost innate in us. This is the easiest of sciences a fact which is obvious in that no one's brain rejects it for laymen and people who are utterly illiterate know how to count and reckon.

Obviously in dealing with a relationship sexuality has to be involved and jealousy and emotions like that. And I don't know I've always been intrigued by those emotions.

I apologize for being obvious but every time I watch the curtain come down on even a halfway decent production of a Shakespeare play I feel a little sorrowful that I'll never know the man or any man of such warm intelligence.

So many people say that obviously my game has changed since I arrived here and I say that it's good that it changed otherwise it would show a lack of intelligence.

It takes an extraordinary intelligence to contemplate the obvious.

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Everybody sort of questioned why we get married on New Year's Day and of course the avid sports fans wouldn't come because they had to watch the Rose Bowl or whatever that is on that day.