Search For noble In Quotes 99

To be honest I live among the English and have always found them to be very honest in their business dealings. They are noble hard-working and anxious to do the right thing. But joy eludes them they lack the joy that the Irish have.

Blessed are they who have the gift of making friends for it is one of God's best gifts. It involves many things but above all the power of going out of one's self and appreciating whatever is noble and loving in another.

Success in its highest and noblest form calls for peace of mind and enjoyment and happiness which come only to the man who has found the work that he likes best.

At his best man is the noblest of all animals separated from law and justice he is the worst.

Coercion may prevent many transgressions but it robs even actions which are legal of a part of their beauty. Freedom may lead to many transgressions but it lends even to vices a less ignoble form.

You too women cast away all the cowards from your embraces they will give you only cowards for children and you who are the daughters of the land of beauty must bear children who are noble and brave.

Endurance is nobler than strength and patience than beauty.

The love of beauty in its multiple forms is the noblest gift of the human cerebrum.

At the beginning of the 20th century the ambition of the great painters was to make paintings that were like music which was then considered as the noblest art.

Besides the noble art of getting things done there is the noble art of leaving things undone. The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of non-essentials.