Search For mission In Quotes 171

Asking the author of historical novels to teach you about history is like expecting the composer of a melody to provide answers about radio transmission.

I thought I had to make an impact on history. I had to become the greatest choreographer of my time. That was my mission. Posterity deals with us however it sees fit. But I gave it 20 years of my best shot.

But when one believes that you've been appointed by God for a particular mission in history you have to be very careful about that how you speak about that. Where is the self-reflection in that? Where is the humility in that?

It is in the admission of ignorance and the admission of uncertainty that there is a hope for the continuous motion of human beings in some direction that doesn't get confined permanently blocked as it has so many times before in various periods in the history of man.

ACT and SAT each have their own parts of the country. The GRE has its lock on graduate admissions. And so one could blame the companies but really economically they have no incentive to change things very much because they're getting the business.

Among the weeds choking out growth and good government are the hundreds of boards commissions and advisory committees that have sprouted over the years. They devour time money and energy far beyond any real contribution they make.

I feel an independent accountability commission should audit all government services.

The Founders recognized that Government is quite literally a necessary evil that there must be opposition between its various branches and between political parties for these are the only ways to temper the individual's greed for power and the electorates' desires for peace by submission to coercion or blandishment.

It is the mission of the next Conservative Government to build the Responsible Society.

We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases while the citizens may act only by permission which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history the stage of rule by brute force.