Search For meeting In Quotes 99

I've always been scared of advertising folk. I've met them at parties and I've been to their offices and I've always found them intimidatingly cool. At one company I visited they held their meetings in a caravan that had somehow been installed in the place a rather more exotic place to gather than the typical BBC glass box.

People aren't going to talk about it except me and that is communication and the visits I have personally had in our meetings with our store managers saying if you do these things you will be terminated period.

Maybe more climate activists will think about the climate change not as an international problem to be resolved in an air-conditioned meeting hall but as a guerilla war to be fought in the streets.

I believe we should reframe our response to climate change as an imperative for growth rather than merely being a way of being green or meeting environmental commitments.

I just think that sometimes we hang onto people or relationships long after they've ceased to be of any use to either of you. I'm always meeting new people and my list of friends seems to change quite a bit.

I learned what I really love is making films not the film business. I want to be on the set meeting with writers I want that freedom. I love it now.

The business aspect is one of the most important things about having a music career because every choice you make in a management meeting affects your life a year-and-a-half from now.

Meetings are indispensable when you don't want to do anything.

Great tragedy has come to us and we are meeting it with the best that is in our country with courage and concern for others because this is America. This is who we are.

Art and science have their meeting point in method.