Search For marry In Quotes 87

I thought I was dreaming. It was the most amazing moment of my entire life. Not only is Bill the love of my life but he's also my best friend. I couldn't believe my dream guy was asking me to marry him!

I've always been shocked and waiting-for-the-other-shoe-to-drop that a girl would ever talk to me let alone want to marry me. They always seem to hold the power to me and from my mother to my wife to my daughter every time I try to really figure them out and think I've got them pegged I pay for it.

If men knew how women pass the time when they are alone they'd never marry.

If man knew how women pass the time when they are alone they'd never marry.

I'm 36 and if I met a woman of my own age and married her I'd also be marrying her former life her past. It might be OK for some people - I don't want to judge it or anything - but it's not for me. It would destroy my creativity.

Whatever you may look like marry a man your own age - as your beauty fades so will his eyesight.

When marrying ask yourself this question: Do you believe that you will be able to converse well with this person into your old age? Everything else in marriage is transitory.

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The attacks of September 11 - and subsequent acts of terror from London to Madrid to Fort Hood Texas - embody the most repulsive of human instincts the will to power at the price of the lives of others.