Search For logic In Quotes 287

I'm not deeply ideologically driven. I believe in good center-right politics.

Lapped in poetry wrapped in the picturesque armed with logical sentences and inalienable words.

Besides the actual reading in class of many poems I would suggest you do two things: first while teaching everything you can and keeping free of it teach that poetry is a mode of discourse that differs from logical exposition.

Serious poetry deals with the fundamental conflicts that cannot be logically resolved: we can state the conflicts rationally but reason does not relieve us of them.

There is something about poetry beyond prose logic there is mystery in it not to be explained but admired.

The poetry of this one is called philosophical of that one philological of a third rhetorical and so on. Which is then the poetic poetry?

Pure mathematics is in its way the poetry of logical ideas.

We cannot have peace if we are only concerned with peace. War is not an accident. It is the logical outcome of a certain way of life. If we want to attack war we have to attack that way of life.

Autism is a neurological disorder. It's not caused by bad parenting. It's caused by you know abnormal development in the brain. The emotional circuits in the brain are abnormal. And there also are differences in the white matter which is the brain's computer cables that hook up the different brain departments.

The thing that gave me the most pain in life psychologically and it gave me tremendous pain psychologically is man's disrespect for nature.

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The only real security is not in owning or possessing not in demanding or expecting not in hoping even. Security in a relationship lies neither in looking back to what it was nor forward to what it might be but living in the present and accepting it as it is now.