Search For involve In Quotes 314

Politics has become unbelievably and unfortunately way too much about how much money is involved rather than what kind of ideas are involved.

I hate injustice and I can't help but speak against it. But I don't want to get involved in politics.

I don't get involved in record label politics.

I have got instincts that I think are very much in tune with people's very keen sense to see something different. I did not dream of being in politics since I was knee-high to a grasshopper. I was not involved in student politics or not in that partisan way.

There's a tradition in British intellectual life of mocking any non-political force that gets involved in politics especially within the sphere of the arts and the theatre.

It's much easier to wear a Chairman Mao button and shake your fists in the air and all that then to actually read the Communist manifesto and things like that and actually become involved in politics.

I was in the Commons recently and saw a young lady wearing a nice pair of shoes. I said I liked them and she said my shoes were the reason she became involved in politics.

Why does it have to be politics? Is there a dynamism to that world and a theoretical capacity to do things that draws many talented people? Absolutely. Are there other ways to be involved and lead an interesting life? Of course.

I never have been involved in politics.

Every so often I find some poems that are too good for the readers of The Atlantic because they are a little too involved with the nature of poetry as such.

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Big women do themselves a disservice when they attempt to become the Righteous Fat (the Righteous Thin are bad enough all that running around and sweating somehow believing it means anything).