We begin to see therefore the importance of selecting our environment with the greatest of care because environment is the mental feeding ground out of which the food that goes into our minds is extracted.
The fate of animals is of greater importance to me than the fear of appearing ridiculous it is indissolubly connected with the fate of men.
Celebrity gives us delusion of self importance.
The importance of human life should be universally respected - and that refers to children before they are born and after. All children have the right to be brought up in a loving two-parent family where the notion of divorce is not even possible.
The essential element in personal magnetism is a consuming sincerity - an overwhelming faith in the importance of the work one has to do.
This dullness of vision regarding the importance of the general welfare to the individual is the measure of the failure of our schools and churches to teach the spiritual significance of genuine democracy.
Experience taught me that working families are often just one pay check away from economic disaster. And it showed me first-hand the importance of every family having access to good health care.
While the Environmental Genome Project does not seek to assign allele frequencies we are aware of the importance of accurate allele frequency estimates for future epidemiologic studies and the large sample sizes such estimates will require.
I learned a lot from that first record and I learned a lot from my experiences touring but really the biggest education I got over the past two years was learning the importance of arrangements.
I had passed through the entire British education system studying literature culminating in three years of reading English at Oxford and they'd never told me about something as basic as the importance of point of view in fiction!