Search For harder In Quotes 108

Freedom isn't free. It shouldn't be a bragging point that 'Oh I don't get involved in politics ' as if that makes someone cleaner. No that makes you derelict of duty in a republic. Liars and panderers in government would have a much harder time of it if so many people didn't insist on their right to remain ignorant and blindly agreeable.

The simpler the food the harder it is to prepare it well. You want to truly taste what it is you're eating. So that goes back to the trend of fine ingredients. It's very Japanese: Preparing good ingredients very simply without distractions from the flavor of the ingredient itself.

I'm working harder than ever now and I'm putting on my pants the same as I always have. I just get up every day and try to do a little better than the day before and that is to run a great restaurant with great food great wine and great service. That's my philosophy.

If you go from a structure where you have the support and that partner and that construction of a family and that's broken apart I think that's probably a lot harder than always being a single mom and having the father being a support in another area.

To disbelieve is easy to scoff is simple to have faith is harder.

I think everyone shares a fear of failure - that you're only as good as your most recent collection. That's definitely a fear but it's a fear that fuels me that makes me want to work harder that makes me take on more challenges.

Unwillingness to risk failure is always there but it gets harder when you feel you have more to lose.

People were being so mean as a result of my ability - a gift really. So I think that's what makes me fight harder to provide an option to aspiring kids or artists. I wouldn't want anyone to go through what I went through... to see a little girl or a little dancer experience such unnecessary rejection.

I've learned from experience that if you work harder at it and apply more energy and time to it and more consistency you get a better result. It comes from the work.

We will have bigger bureaucracies bigger labor unions and bigger state-run corporations. It will be harder to be an entrepreneur because of punitive taxes and regulations. The rewards of success will be expropriated for the sake of attaining greater income equality.