Search For govern In Quotes 1413

No one is above the game or the rules that govern it. Respect for the game and the people who participate in it will not be compromised.

With respect to the northeastern boundary of the United States no official correspondence between this Government and that of Great Britain has passed since that communicated to Congress toward the close of their last session.

My government you can be assured will be less focused on personalities. It is about treating people with respect. I think complaining about the community not being able to see the wisdom of our ideas is the wrong approach.

To our Palestinian neighbours I assure you that we have a genuine intention to respect your right to live independently and in dignity. I have already said that Israel has no desire to continue to govern over you and control your fate.

I think we can get respect for Parliament back providing governments and oppositions are frank.

Nations are equal in respect to each other and entitled to claim equal consideration for their rights whatever may be their relative dimensions or strength or however greatly they may differ in government religion or manners.

Neither the wording of the amendment itself nor common practice challenged the widely held belief that government guaranteed freedom of religion not freedom from religion.

The government must pursue a course of complete neutrality toward religion.

Americans should be free to recognize our religious heritage doing that is not the same as creating a government-sponsored religion.

Where you have no religion you are sure to have no government for as religion disappears anarchy takes place and fixes a compleat Hell on earth till religion returns.