Search For garde In Quotes 184

I put quite a few trees in last autumn. A lot of silver birch and a couple of native trees - just generally doing gardening putting plants in and hedges in. It takes quite a lot of time and I love it.

Somebody informed me recently that the key to every art from writing to gardening to sculpture is creativity. I beg to differ.

Many talk about a guest worker program. I think most reasonable people believe that a guest worker program in the farming industry perhaps in the gardening and landscape industries is reasonable.

The space and light up there in Norfolk is wonderfully peaceful. I find myself doing funny things like gardening and cooking which I rarely do in London.

I'm not surfing much anymore but I love hiking and gardening and I'm always wearing a hat and sunblock.

Gardening has just sort of grown on me. I find it therapeutic. And I like smelly things.

I'm pretty good at gardening. It consumes my time and it feels like I'm doing something constructive.

I don't hold that everybody has to love fashion. Some people like gardening.

I have to keep up with the scientific literature as part of my job but increasingly I found myself reading things that weren't really relevant to my academic work but were relevant to gardening.

My hobby is gardening I love it it's my main hobby. I like being at home and I'm very happy being in my house I love cooking.

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There is a relationship between cartooning and people like Mir= and Picasso which may not be understood by the cartoonist but it definitely is related even in the early Disney.