Search For forward In Quotes 229

Clearly if it is sensible to hold a referendum on independence it is crucial that we have one on marriage. It is the only way the country can move forward on this issue. Let all those who have a view on this subject place their trust in the Scottish people and let Scotland decide.

I'm looking forward to talking to Bill Parcells too and to seeing how that marriage with Jerry Jones goes.

It's all kind of a big illusion: the white picket fence and the perfect marriage and the kids. Check that box off check that box off and move forward.

My trust in a higher power that wants me to survive and have love in my life is what keeps me moving forward.

All my life affection has been showered upon me and every forward step I have made has been taken in spite of it.

Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them - that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.

I'm only just learning what language to use when I want my microphone turned down you know because it's all so new to me. It can be quite difficult on a daily basis to communicate with the people I work with so I'm just looking forward to knowing more.

I am looking forward to learning at the knee of Paul Ryan. He doesn't strike me as a politician. He strikes me as an economist.

You're always learning on different avenues and this is an opportunity for me to start on a fresh plate and start learning some other things that can really help me that I need and I want to progress forward.

That is what I'm looking forward to the most practical learning. I want to be a registered nurse so getting to talk to people who already work in those jobs can really teach me what to expect when I get out in the real world.

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I feel like I've reached an age where I can relax a little bit with the knowledge of what I've been through take all that experience and use it. I love the challenge of trying to get back to where I've been and beyond it.