Search For fortunately In Quotes 96

Some of us can be examples about going ahead and growing and some of us unfortunately don't make it there and end up being examples because they had to die. I hit rock bottom but thank God my bottom wasn't death.

Fortunately as it pertains to guns my dad and uncle introduced me to guns the way it needs to be done: smart slow and safe.

Dad taught me everything I know. Unfortunately he didn't teach me everything he knows.

My father invented a cure for which there was no disease and unfortunately my mother caught it and died of it.

You know Quincy Jones was a great mentor but he was a man in a man's world. Fortunately he's a very sensitive man and a beautiful human being and even though he was 14 or 15 years older than me he's a capable human being and has great communication skills.

Without accepting the fact that everything changes we cannot find perfect composure. But unfortunately although it is true it is difficult for us to accept it. Because we cannot accept the truth of transience we suffer.

Unfortunately we don't have all the bits and pieces on the car that we had hoped to have by this stage so we've got to make as good a job as we can with what we have and we feel we are doing well with that at the moment.

I think a lot of writers male and female write as if their parents were killed in a car accident when they were 2 and they have no one to hold accountable. And unfortunately I don't have that. I have parents who I care about what they think.

Most executives many scientists and almost all business school graduates believe that if you analyze data this will give you new ideas. Unfortunately this belief is totally wrong. The mind can only see what it is prepared to see.

Paris is one of the most beautiful places in all the world. Unfortunately I was so homesick I couldn't appreciate its beauty.

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Since therefore no man is born without faults and he is esteemed the best whose errors are the least let the wise man consider everything human as connected with himself for in worldly affairs there is no perfect happiness under heaven.