Search For favor In Quotes 214

I've had Susan Sarandon play my mom and now Lesley Ann Warren has played my mom so if I could have Debra Winger play my mom then I would have the trifecta of my favorite actresses playing my mother.

When I turned 18 my mom my nana and I all went and had tattoos of our favorite Bible verses put on the inside of our wrists. Mine is 1st Timothy 4:12.

A guy is a lump like a doughnut. So first you gotta get rid of all the stuff his mom did to him. And then you gotta get rid of all that macho crap that they pick up from beer commercials. And then there's my personal favorite the male ego.

Whoever has provoked men to rage against him has always gained a party in his favor too.

I'm always told that what I say is controversial. Why is it controversial? Because I speak from a tradition that has now fallen out of favor with the dominant media in this country. And so when I say things like marriage should be between one man and one woman I'm called a bigot.

You know my friends with what a brave carouse I made a Second Marriage in my house favored old barren reason from my bed and took the daughter of the vine to spouse.

I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. I am not in favor of gay marriage. But when you start playing around with constitutions just to prohibit somebody who cares about another person it just seems to me that's not what America's about. Usually our constitutions expand liberties they don't contract them.

Love is often nothing but a favorable exchange between two people who get the most of what they can expect considering their value on the personality market.

Fortune and love favor the brave.

A man who has been the indisputable favorite of his mother keeps for life the feeling of a conqueror.