Search For european In Quotes 89

North Americans as a whole need to embrace having clothes altered to their body. I hear it all the time: why do the Europeans always look so good? They have a relationship with their tailor and spend the time and money to make their clothes look their best.

I know a lot of Eastern Europeans and because of what they have been through and what they have seen they have an attitude where they are not easily fooled.

Canadians tend to be a bit more religious than most Europeans - though not more than the Poles or Ukrainians. Most important their attitude to immigration and ethnic minorities is more positive than that of most Europeans.

The American attitude is 'We're the best'. That's why the NBA guys who come from other countries the Europeans all sort of stick together away from the game.

If we get the capabilities NATO along with the European Union can do amazing things.

In fact it is amazing how much European films - Italian French German and English - have recovered a certain territory of the audience in their countries over the last few years.

European investment in Texas alone exceeds all U.S. investment in China and Japan put together.

Perhaps our own opposition to even the level of European integration we have now let alone any more is well known.

At the age when Bengali youth almost inevitably writes poetry I was listening to European classical music.

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I know no subject more elevating more amazing more ready to the poetical enthusiasm the philosophical reflection and the moral sentiment than the works of nature. Where can we meet such variety such beauty such magnificence?