Search For elation In Quotes 1287

My relationship with the journalists who covered the campaign was complicated. I often hid from the critical eye of their cameras and their omnipresent digital recorders wary of the critique implicit in every captured moment. But I also grew to respect and understand their passion for their work their love for the journey we were sharing.

The relationship between press and politician - protected by the Constitution and designed to be happily adversarial - becomes sour raw and confrontational.

If you want to have a relationship at some point you have to let yourself get caught. That's what I did. I got caught.

You know I think that President Obama is a person who has a great relationship with a number of people. Colin Powell does too. I think Colin Powell is a fine American a great leader and sees things in President Obama that he agrees with. He's entitled to have his opinion.

I feel like in a lot of shows where the woman is in charge the woman is this ball buster and the guy is sort of weak and spineless. And that's never been my experience in a relationship. I think it's much more interesting that the guy is the boss. And there are stakes.

I would stay on but 'General Hospital' honestly doesn't seem to want that relationship with this character at the moment. They want little short doses during sweeps periods.

I am looking for a character that connects to me on some level. It has to be about something it has to have depth to it and it has to be about something. The story of the character and their relationship with the people and places around them appeal to me and are what I look for.

I've been working on Barb for a while. I looked at her as a sort of every woman. She's incredibly strong she's incredibly generous. She's seemingly insane because she is in the situation of a polygamous relationship but she had definite reasons to do it.

I think I learned about the relationship between books and life from Margaret Mitchell.

It was really important in my relationship with James Caan that I understood the relationship between the family and the father.