Search For direct In Quotes 548

I got a nomination for director which means the world to me it's just the most exciting thing for me and my family. You do the good hard work and the rest of it is something you shouldn't get too caught up in but when it happens - boy! I respect it.

Directing has only increased my admiration and respect for what it is that actors do.

I'm getting my respect as a video director. The fashion industry respects me and knows who I am.

We are not directly involved in Syria. But we will be working with our partners in the European Union and at the United Nations to see if we can persuade the Syrian authorities to go as I say more in that direction of respect for democracy and human rights.

When theology erodes and organization crumbles when the institutional framework of religion begins to break up the search for a direct experience which people can feel to be religious facilitates the rise of cults.

The earth is the Lord's fullness thereof: this is no longer a hollow dictum of religion but a directive for economic action toward human brotherhood.

But like a born actor who only really wants to direct Gingrich has always been unsatisfied with what he's brilliant at. He can't still his hunger to deliver grand pronouncements on life liberalism conservatism religion and whatever else swims into his consciousness.

There is a direct line relationship between what happened in Afghanistan in the work up to 11 September 2001 and what we're doing in Afghanistan today.

The relationship between an actor and a director is like a love story between a man and a woman. I'm sure sometimes I'm the woman.

Putin has a lot at stake here and restoring the relationship with the United States and there are already signs as Sandy mentioned that he's moving in the right direction to begin to ascertain that their trade with Iran is not used for the production of nuclear weapons.

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Games have grown and developed from this limited in-the-box experience to something that's everywhere now. Interactive content is all around us networked ready. This is something I've been hoping for throughout my career.