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How much do you as a consumer value a positive experience with a brand or its customer service department? How willing are you to share that with your friends? How inclined are you to let that person know that you're interaction with them was positive?

Furthermore both Pennsylvania and New Jersey Departments of Environmental Protection have evaluated the sediment to be dredged and also found it to be not toxic.

The complaint of bad pay and difficulty in obtaining it is almost generally reiterated through every department of education.

All school districts receive funds from the federal government through the Department of Education to support anti-drug education efforts.

During this period at the Department of Education my working relationship with Judge Thomas was positive.

I always felt that I came up short in the education department but I've come to the conclusion that we all get an education.

Last year Congress gave the Department of Defense the authority to design a new civilian personnel system for its employees as part of the defense authorization bill.

Design is so critical it should be on the agenda of every meeting in every single department.

Life itself is but the shadow of death and souls departed but the shadows of the living.

Just as I shall select my ship when I am about to go on a voyage or my house when I propose to take a residence so I shall choose my death when I am about to depart from life.