Search For companies In Quotes 119

Many dotcoms recruited people from existing companies who were quite experienced in finance marketing distribution and other disciplines but not necessarily experienced in the Web culture.

Large companies cannot finance political parties as their shareholders and employees have different political views.

I delivered lectures and I was also a consultant for international companies in finance both private equity and big venture capital funds.

Let your family staff and friends know that you're still the same person despite all the publicity and notoriety that accompanies your position.

But if you look at WorldCom which is the biggest failure to date they grew dramatically they were buying companies that were bigger than they were and they were doing it off inflated stock.

Pharmaceutical companies are enjoying unprecedented profits and access with this Administration. Yet the Republicans' prescription drug plan for seniors has been a colossal failure and over 43 million Americans wake up every morning without health insurance.

We judged that a sudden disorderly failure of Bear would have brought with it unpredictable but severe consequences for the functioning of the broader financial system and the broader economy with lower equity prices further downward pressure on home values and less access to credit for companies and households.

Big companies are like marching bands. Even if half the band is playing random notes it still sounds kind of like music. The concealment of failure is built into them.

Making movies is a very different experience in a lot of ways. It's difficult when you're used to owning the copyright and having a landlord's possessory rights - I rent my plays to the companies that do them and if I'm upset I can pull the play. But the only two directors I've worked with are pretty great.

Joy rather than happiness is the goal of life for joy is the emotion which accompanies our fulfilling our natures as human beings. It is based on the experience of one's identity as a being of worth and dignity.