Search For classic In Quotes 105

My mom and dad played this music all the time when I was growing up so to me songs by Jerry Lee and Fats Domino are the classics they're the best songs ever.

Although my dad was a doctor we weren't necessarily a super-artsy family. We were just a classic traditional family who got to take a lot of piano lessons and became a bunch of musicians.

People who build family businesses are not classically trained. They have to deal with an enormous amount of politics. You think corporate politics are tough? Go work for your dad or your mom.

My dad had a commercial film company so he had a videotape player before anyone. So he got Mel Brooks movies or Citizen Kane or some classic old movies. And every summer the revival house in Evanston would show the great films from the '50s and '60s and '70s.

My style icons would be people like Brigitte Bardot and old Hollywood actresses who always look so stunning cool and chic. I like classic and timeless looks.

It's sad that women characters have lost so much ground in popular movies. Didn't 'Thelma and Louise' prove that women want to see women doing things on film? Thelma and Louise were in a classic car they were being chased by cops they shot up a truck - and women loved it.

I'd kind of like to have a classic old muscle car. I think that would be fun.

It was my 16th birthday - my mom and dad gave me my Goya classical guitar that day. I sat down wrote this song and I just knew that that was the only thing I could ever really do - write songs and sing them to people.

I feel fortunate that I'm not a beauty. I'm not a classic beauty. I feel it is harder for girls who are like that. There are fewer parts.

I went to the Performing Arts School and studied classical ballet. That attitude is something that's put into your head. You are never thin enough.

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For most people we often marvel at the beauty of a sunrise or the magnificence of a full moon but it is impossible to fathom the magnitude of the universe that surrounds us.