Search For camera In Quotes 87

It was amazing to watch him in the darkroom at an advanced age still get excited when the results were pleasing. He still struggled like we all do in the darkroom and he struggled behind the camera and when he had a success he was beaming.

Motion capture is amazing. I prefer it. You wear a 'Power Ranger'-esque suit you have tape balls on you you have 60 cameras around you capturing your every movement and there's no hair no makeup.

With reality TV sometimes it's amazing chemistry and you get these gems that turn out to be everything you hoped and the camera loves them and they just blossom on the show. And then sometimes it's not all you envision.

No matter how fast I could do it with the digital camera I don't think I would get the same thing out of it. The passion I have for formulating an idea stands alone. It is the important essence of what I do.

I don't like to work with assistants. I'm already one too many the camera alone would be enough.

I would often find myself at the age of 21 at midnight running down a dark street on my own with 10 men chasing me. And the fact they had cameras in their hands made that legal.

I think if you put a camera in anyone's life and document it daily from the age of 21 to 27 there are going to be things that aren't always pretty.