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Do not share the knowledge with which you have been blessed with everyone in general as you do with some people in particular and know that there are some men in whom Allah may He he glorified has placed hidden secrets which they are forbidden to reveal.

Mr. Speaker we are a blessed Nation. We have not suffered another attack on our soil since September 11 and we are grateful. We have killed or captured dozens of members of al Qaeda and the Taliban. Our military and intelligence forces are working both hard and smart.

The essential elements of giving are power and love - activity and affection - and the consciousness of the race testifies that in the high and appropriate exercise of these is a blessedness greater than any other.

My life has been a gift up to this point and I've been blessed beyond my wildest imagination. And wherever this ride takes me is where I'm going.

Humor is mankind's greatest blessing.

I hope that it can relate to and be a blessing to anybody with the hope that someday they will find Jesus Christ to be the same God that I've found Him to be.

I love being able to sing for my job. I am blessed beyond words and I hope my fans can feel that while I'm on stage!

I hope that as the Senate and American people learn more about me they will see that I am an ordinary person who has been blessed with extraordinary opportunities and experiences.

Ladies and gentlemen god bless America - land of the free home of the brave.

This is truly a blessing. Breyon Prescott Peter Edge and Tom Corson believe in me and have introduced me to a home that also believes and knows exactly what to do with the type of music I'm doing.