Search For bible In Quotes 103

We can never learn too much of His will towards us too much of His messages and His advice. The Bible is His word and its study gives at once the foundation for our faith and an inspiration to battle onward in the fight against the tempter.

Put your nose into the Bible everyday. It is your spiritual food. And then share it. Make a vow not to be a lukewarm Christian.

I don't claim to be knowledgeable about theology. Most of my knowledge comes out of my experience and the lessons in the Bible. Every Sunday I'm home I teach 45 minutes and we boiled them down to one page for the new book 'Through the Year with Jimmy Carter.'

For this reason to study English literature without some general knowledge of the relation of the Bible to that literature would be to leave one's literary education very incomplete.

But I like going to church. If you've been brought up in the Church of England it feels like visiting an elderly relative. And I think it's important that part of the kids' education is knowing about the Bible.

A thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a college education.

I read Shakespeare and the Bible and I can shoot dice. That's what I call a liberal education.

Every year for New Years I write down all of my goals and dreams and put them in my Bible. At the end of the year I go and pull the paper out and check this off and check that off.

The essence of the Hebrew Bible transmitted by Christianity is separation: between life and death nature and God good and evil man and woman and the holy and the profane.

We always had lutefisk for Christmas dinner after which Dad read from the Norwegian Bible.